
Investigating a Complaint in the Workplace

By: ArLyne Diamond
Recorded Session
60 Minutes
Training Level
Intermediate to Advanced

Email Reminder


Recorded Session


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Webinar Details

This webinar is designed to train managers and HR professionals in how to conduct a thorough and impartial workplace investigation.  Complaints of sexual mis-conduct, harassment, bullying and abuse abound in today’s workplace.  Conducting workplace investigations is one of the most challenging management and HR duties, but also one of the most important.  There is an ethical, moral and legal duty to investigate thoroughly, to recognize due process – and also to recognize and over-come the natural biases we as investigators bring to the situation.


You will learn when, how, and what to investigate.  How to be empathic without agreeing, and how to deal with the alleged violator as fairly as possible.  Proper techniques, decision-making and report writing will also be discussed.


  • Who should conduct the investigation – and who should not and why
  • How to start  the process – being kind, empathic, but not agreeing to anyone
  • The importance of due process and not promising the wrong kind of confidentiality
  • Possible questions to ask
  • Your own biases – such as believing the first person and conformation bias.
  • Effective policy and procedures
  • Interviewing witnesses, conducting evidence
  • Types of sanctions based on allegations
  • When for example to use mediation – when to call the police.
  • Report writing


In this course you will first be given examples of sexual harassment and the outcomes based on how the complaint was handled.  This will be followed by a brief summary of the laws pertaining to harassment and discrimination.  Finally, we will focuson how to conduct how to conduct an investigation in the workplace, keeping it neutral, comprehensive and fair.


  • Anyone being asked to conduct an investigation’
  • HR Professionals
  • In-house counsel
  • Managers and Executives
  • Small Business Owners

You will learn when, how, and what to investigate.  How to be empathic without agreeing, and how to deal with the alleged violator as fairly as possible.  Proper techniques, decision-making and report writing will also be discussed.

  • Who should conduct the investigation – and who should not and why
  • How to start  the process – being kind, empathic, but not agreeing to anyone
  • The importance of due process and not promising the wrong kind of confidentiality
  • Possible questions to ask
  • Your own biases – such as believing the first person and conformation bias.
  • Effective policy and procedures
  • Interviewing witnesses, conducting evidence
  • Types of sanctions based on allegations
  • When for example to use mediation – when to call the police.
  • Report writing

In this course you will first be given examples of sexual harassment and the outcomes based on how the complaint was handled.  This will be followed by a brief summary of the laws pertaining to harassment and discrimination.  Finally, we will focuson how to conduct how to conduct an investigation in the workplace, keeping it neutral, comprehensive and fair.

  • Anyone being asked to conduct an investigation’
  • HR Professionals
  • In-house counsel
  • Managers and Executives
  • Small Business Owners



ArLyne Diamond, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized Leadership, Management, Professional Development and O-D consultant specializing in people and processes in the workplace.  Multifaceted, Dr. Diamond has extensive experience in a wide range of disciplines (business, education, management, marketing, business ownership, psychology – and some economics and law as well.)  This enables her to see things from a variety of angles and to cleave to the essence of a problem quickly, offering her clients creative and practical solutions.

As the President and Founder of her consulting firm, Diamond Associates, which was established in 1981, Dr. Diamond’s clients range from boards of directors and upper management to support staff in many industries, both public and private.  This includes small business and professional practices, corporations, associations, service/charity organizations and government agencies (including police and fire.) She works with individuals, teams and large groups. Dr. Diamond trains Boards of Directors and teaches several courses to board members and those striving for board appointments.

She is well known for her skill in large and small group process, including workshops in strategic planning, change management, conflict resolution, system streamlining, communication, management of people and projects, as well as board of directors development, committee and team training.  

Her executive consulting/coaching and mentoring of individuals includes helping new CEOs grow into their position and learn how to create and work with executive teams, stakeholders, and others in their organization.

Dr. Diamond taught a wide range of MBA university courses in Business, Organizational Development, Quality, Change Management, Persuasion/ Negotiation, Marketing and Leadership and others. She also taught a series of Psychology courses to graduate and undergraduate students..  

Born into a family and culture of service to others, ArLyne has been involved with many associations, service and charity organizations.  A listing in available under Community Service on her website:   She is currently active in politics and Rotary.  She recently completed approximately two years of volunteering to in ProMatch, an organization dedicated to helping those out of work, where she offers workshops and a weekly drop-in helping people with finding themselves, resumes, interview skills and landing the job.  

A prolific writer, she has published hundreds of articles and five books.  (A listing of published articles can best be found by Googling her.) In addition, Dr. Diamond publishes a monthly newsletter, “Diamonds to You” and is a guest writer for several newspapers.

Dr. Diamond is offering on-line courses through Illumeo (formerlyProformative’ Academy.)

Her published books are:

Training Your Board of Directors:  A Manual for the CEOs, Board Members. Administrators and Executives of Corporations, Associations, Non-Profit and Religious Organizations.

The “Please” and “Thank You” of Fund-Raising for Non-Profits

Conflict in the Workplace:  Causes and Cures

Leading and Managing a Global Workforce

Culture:  Inside the Company and Outside the Country

Conducting Workplace Investigations:  Designated Investigator

She is currently completing two other books, one will be Roles and Responsibilities in the Workplace – which will accompany employee handbooks and the other is Managing for Creativity.

ArLyne Diamond, Ph.D. appears on radio and television and speaks to associations and community organization on a wide range of topics.  Her style is informal, friendly, and informative.

Like a Diamond, using ArLyne Diamond, Ph.D. as your consultant will prove to be a wise investment that appreciates in value over time.

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